Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Twelve Chosen

The results for the 12 chosen artworks to appear on the 2010 were supposed to be revealed at the May 6 meeting but the local newspaper, Standard Freeholder, wanted to publish them. Since we don't often get exposure from them, the names were released.

I have 12 very low quality shots that I've cropped from shots I took at the show. I'm warning you now that they are not good quality, but if you want great quality, buy the calendar! It'll be on sale in the fall. Cornwall Square has already agreed to let us set up a table and sell them in the mall.

If I can get small shots of each from the official photographer, I will replace these. (And to be fair, I did not include the shot I have on file of my own, but rather kept it as a cropped one - same as the others. Is that not noble or what???)
Congratulations to the 12 public-voter-chosen pieces of art. Actually, it's congratulations to everyone who exhibited - the walls were filled with very fine art! All of which was shown to a very many people!!

Here, in numerical order, are the calendar pieces;

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