Friday, March 20, 2009

Important notice to all members!!!!

Focus Art will be having an exhibition of our Art in the Cornwall Square in mid April (details will follow). This show is to choose the paintings or sculpture that will be featured in the Calendar. We will have the format used in previous years (not last year) to create a calendar that we will all be proud of, so start dusting off or finishing up that perfect painting to be hung in the show.
One detail to consider we will only accept “Landscape Format” paintings (wider than high). Last year it was too difficult to fit the images into the space allowed to best show off the image.

Within a week you will have all the details of when, where and so forth so stay tuned!!

Don’t forget that the next meeting of Focus Art is on April 1st, and that is the Annual General Meeting, we will be saying thank-you to our current president and appointing a new president to lead us on so please try to attend.

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