Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Another Show! Starting Immediately!

It is official, Cornwall Square loves us! The public’s response has been so positive that Focus Art has been invited to return to the same locale at Cornwall Square and exhibit from April 29th to May 9th.

This will be different from the first exhibit because it will not be limited to "landscape" format (as was needed for the Calendar). It will allow all our members to exhibit a broader range of work - anything, any format.

Until we know how many people can put something in (and you all should!), it is limited to 2 medium size paintings/works or 1 big painting/work. D'Arcy would like to see everyone put something in, especially the members that did not exhibit during the calendar show. It is also strongly suggested that you put in different work than was exhibited in the Calendar Show. This will make the show different and more interesting for guests coming back for more eye candy.

We plan to have some of our members actually working on their art at the Square, so the public can see our new artwork and we can show them what we can do. All members have another chance to really promote their work, so don't miss this opportunity!

This is a members only "Open" exhibit.

Deb (with excerpts from D'Arcy's group announcements)

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